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Prof. Dr. Jörn Leonhard

+49 761 203-3424

KG IV, Room 4435


Administrative Staff

Tania Dintcheva-Atanasova

Christina Schlaich (Student Assistant)

+49 761 203-3421

Visiting address

(Location on OSM)
KG IV, Rempartstraße 15, Room 4436

Opening hours:

Tuesday and Thursday 11am - 1pm, Wednesday 3pm - 5pm

Postal address

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Historisches Seminar
Professur für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte Westeuropas
Rempartstraße 15
79085 Freiburg

Academic Staff

Dr. Claudia Gatzka

+49 761 203-3451

KG IV, Room 4419
Dr. Kristoffer Klammer

+49 761 203-3451

KG IV, Room 4419
PD Dr. Friedemann Pestel

+49 761 203-97871

Belfortstr. 20
Rückgeb., R. 02011
Dr. Helke Rausch

+49 761 203-9189

Erbprinzenstr. 13
Room 01-011
Moritz Sorg

+49 761 203-98743

Belfortstr. 20
Rückgeb., R. 02007

PhD Students

Andreas Bolte

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Historisches Seminar
Professur für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte Westeuropas
79085 Freiburg
Andreas Eder
Valentina Escherich
Sebastian Fahner
David Fetzer
Manuel Geist
Anna Mashi
Elise Mazurié
Tabea Nasaroff
Sebastian Petznick
Luca Scalzini
Pierre Schmuck
Johannes Staudt

Teaching Assistant

  • Isabel Gehrig

+49 761 203-3431

KG IV, Room 4305

Student Assistant

  • Delia Deiwald
  • Ben Gattermann
  • Isabel Gehrig
  • Laila Kunze
  • Christina Schlaich
  • Niklas Vix

+49 761 203-3431

KG IV, Room 4416

Associated Staff

Dr. Christina Schröer University of Bonn, scientific director of the France Centre (CERC, Centre Ernst Robert Curtius)

Former Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. Svenja Goltermann Visiting Professor from 01.04.2010 until 30.09.2011 Currently: Professor of Modern History at the department of History of the University of Zurich
Prof. Dr. Theo Jung

Acadaemic Staff from 2011 until 2022

Habilitation in December 2021 with the thesis "Qui tacet: The Uses of Silence in Political Communication in 19th Century Europe".

Currently: Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the Martin Luther University in Halle-Wittenberg
PD Dr. Roman Köster Academic staff in the SS 2018 Currently: Research staff at the Historical Commission Munich
Prof. Dr. Sonja Levsen

Academic staff from 2007 until 2022
with interruptions due to fellowship and visiting professorships.

Habilitation in June 2017 with the thesis "Autorität und Demokratie. Eine Kulturgeschichte des Erziehungswandels in Westdeutschland und Frankreich, 1945-1975"

Currently: Professor and chair of Modern History, University of Trier
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Lingelbach Visiting Professor from 01.10.2008 until 31.03.2010 Currently: Professor and Chair of 19th to 21st Century History, Kiel University
Dr. Anne Sophie Overkamp Academic staff from 2022 until 2023 Currently: Academic staff at the Chair of Modern History, University of Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Armin Owzar Visiting professor from 01.10.2011 until 31.03.2013 Currently: Professeur d'Histoire moderne et contemporaine des pays germanophones, Sorbonne Université, Paris
Dr. Sarah Panter Academic staff from 2009 until 2013 Currently: Academic staff at the IEG in Mainz
Dr. Christina Schröer Academic staff from 2011 until 2020 Currently: Scientific director of the France Centre (CERC, Centre Ernst Robert Curtius) at the University of Bonn
PD Dr. Jens Späth Visiting professor from 01.10.2022 until 31.03.2024 Currently: Academic staff at University of Saarland
Dr. Jörg Später Academic editorial staff for the JMEH from 2016 until 2020 Currently: Academic staff at the Contemporary History Research Group, University of Freiburg
Dr. Jan-Markus Vömel Academic staff in the SS 2021